Davey Speedman Dual Pump Variable Speed Pump Control System User Manual

Page 24

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High Pressure Limit

The High Pressure Limit is the pressure point that stops pumps if the pressure rises
above this limit. Once the pressure rises above this figure the fixed speed pumps will
shut down and the VSD rapidly decelerates. If the system pressure falls to below the
High Pressure Limit the Speedman will restart and function normally.
This setting is limited to a value that is lower than the High Pressure Shutdown and higher than the highest Set
Point. (This includes all other Set Points 2 to 8). On the right of the display a value in brackets indicates the
calculated pressure based on set point 1.

When a DOL pump is turned off, the following message will be displayed on the
main screen for 5 seconds.

If the pressure is above the High Pressure Limit, turning pumps to MANUAL is also disabled.

High Pressure Shutdown

The High Pressure Shutdown shuts down the system if any pump is running, and the
pressure rises above this pressure for longer than the “High Pressure Delay” time.
The High Pressure Shutdown value is limited to a value higher than the High Pressure
High Pressure Shutdown can be set for auto reset.
Set for Auto reset in the “Fault Re-start Screen” or set to OFF.

On the right of the display a value in brackets indicates the calculated pressure based on set point 1.
NOTE: On reaching the High Pressure Shut Down all pumps will be shut down including manual pumps.

Pump Flow Rate

There are two options for the Flow rate figure:
Actual Flow rate
Calculated Flow rate

Actual Flow Rate

The analogue input programmed for Flow rate Input can read the input from a Flow Meter to register the flow.
This input is a 4-20mA analogue or pulsed signal.

See Flow Meter Calibration (CONFIGURE) for additional information.

Calculated Flow Rate

This figure is the flow rate of the pump at the nominated set point at full motor speed. It is read from a
manufacturer’s pump curve and input as a flow rate / minute. Any units can be used for this figure however the
time units are fixed at MINUTES.
Each time the Set Point is changed this figure must be modified to maintain accuracy.
The calculation is done on the number of pumps running at any time with an adjustment for pump speed on
the VSD pump based on “Affinity Law” calculations.

HiPress Limit


Pump Flow Rate

HiPress Shutdown