Positive cg percent counter – Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual

Page 91

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R E A L - T I M E L I G H T N I N G D E T E C T I O N





Positive CG Percent Counter

The +CG percent counter, shown with and without an alert bar.

Default yellow alert trigger level: 25
Default red alert trigger level: 50
Record kept: No

The positive CG percent counter shows the
percentage of +CG (positive cloud-to-ground) strokes
compared to the number of CG strokes in the last

For example, if the stroke rate is 50 and the CG
stroke rate is 45, this counter would indicate “90%”.

CG strokes can be detected from storms at any
range, and have been detected from storms over 600
miles (1000 km) away.

+CG strokes are the less common type of CG stroke,
and are associated more with severe storms, though
they do occur in ordinary storms too. They have been
observed to be more likely to occur in the average
thunderstorm as the storm begins to dissipate.

In the Analysis window, storms that have a
preponderance of +CG strokes are colored in.

When running Lightning/2000 in flash mode, this
counter shows the percentage of +CG flashes, rather
than strokes.

At least 10 CG strokes per minute must occur before
the red or yellow alert is triggered.

This counter is not used with the LD-250.