Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual
Page 263

R E A L - T I M E L I G H T N I N G D E T E C T I O N
Any errors encountered during the execution of the
#ConfigureSerialOutput command will be written to
the Custom Summary window.
#CustomSummaryUpdateInterval( Minutes )
Sets the number of minutes between updates of the
Custom Summary window. The normal update
interval is 1 minute. Permissible values for this
command are from 1/60 to 60.
Any errors encountered during the execution of the
#CustomSummaryUpdateInterval command will be
written to the Custom Summary window.
Causes an immediate FTP transfer of all new screen
captures (since the last FTP) to be started. For an
example of how this command is used, see the
#ProduceScreenCapture command.
In order to send e-mails or text messages, you will
need to fill out the server information in the E-Mail
Options dialog (Options | Internet | E-Mail… from the
main menu).
An example of how to use this command can be found
in Appendix E.
This command causes a screen capture of the
specified window to be produced immediately. By
using this command, screen captures of all windows
may be produced during the execution of the custom
summary rather than the normal process of the
Screen Captures dialog.