Custom summary language definition, Appendix c – Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual
Page 257
R E A L - T I M E L I G H T N I N G D E T E C T I O N
Appendix C
Custom Summary
Language Definition
This is a formal description of the custom summary language,
used in custom summary and status line template files.
The symbol to the left of the ::= sign is replaced by the
symbols to the right of the ::= sign.
Symbols enclosed in curly brackets {} may be repeated any
number of times, including zero times.
The | character represents a choice between two different
sets of symbols.
The < and > signs enclose a symbolic term.
Anything in boldface is to be included exactly as it appears.
; {
( , , , ) ) ) if if if if then then then { elseif elseif elseif then then then { endif endif endif | if if if if then then then { elseif elseif elseif then then then { else else else { endif endif endif endif < < < | > > > > | <= <= <= <= | >= >= >= >= | <> <> <> <> | = = = =