Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual

Page 165

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R E A L - T I M E L I G H T N I N G D E T E C T I O N





Consult the lightning detector hardware's manual for
instructions on how to adjust this value.

This value is only adjustable when using the StormTracker
ISA hardware under Windows 95 or Windows 98.

If using the StormTracker ISA under a later operating system
(using the provided “genport” driver), and the board address
is not the default value, the driver’s .inf file will need to be
modified. If you are unsure how to do this, contact
Aninoquisi for information.

Serial Port

Select the serial port where the LD-250 is connected. You
will be unable to detect lightning using the LD-250 until you
choose the correct serial port here.

Check Detector Continuously

The lightning detection hardware must be queried to
determine if a stroke has been detected. Checking the
detector continuously causes Lightning/2000’s CPU usage to
remain very high at all times. Normally when there is not
much lightning, the detector is only checked periodically
(every second, every 1/10 second, every 1/100 second, or
every 1/1000 second, depending on the current detection

This option tells Lightning/2000 to always operate in a mode
where the lightning detection hardware is checked much more
often (any time that the computer is not busy doing anything
else) as possible for the detection of lightning.

When this option is not checked, Lightning/2000 will only
check the detector periodically during times of zero or very
light activity.

During times of heavy activity, Lightning/2000 always
operates in the mode where the detector is checked