A warning – Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual
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R E A L - T I M E L I G H T N I N G D E T E C T I O N
A Warning
Lightning/2000 produces information on several levels that
can be used to detect approaching storms. Don’t allow your
enthusiasm for tracking severe weather to cloud your
judgment however. You should not depend solely on
Lightning/2000 for your severe weather warnings.
Though we believe that Lightning/2000 is a useful tool in
your severe-weather preparedness arsenal, it shouldn’t be used
for the protection of life or property. Pay attention to other
sources of information such as Doppler radar or weather
radio. Multiple red alerts from Lightning/2000 should be
taken seriously. When they occur, it’s a sign that
thunderstorms are in your area. Small storms however may
not generate multiple alerts. Such storms can pop up with no
warning, yet they are still capable of producing dangerous
cloud to ground lightning.
Lightning’s most common victims tend to be your electronic
equipment, especially your computer. Lightning most
frequently enters your computer through the phone line. It’s
for this reason that we recommend using a surge protector
with phone line protection. It is also a good idea to run any
coaxial cables (from cable TV or satellite dishes) through a
surge protector.
You should also avoid talking on a corded phone during
thunderstorms. Using a cellular or cordless phone (as long as
you’re indoors) is relatively safe.
Lightning routinely occurs several miles out in front of an
approaching storm. Whether you’re actively tracking a storm
or not, you should disconnect the phone or cable line from its
modem if threatening weather approaches. By taking a
minute to do these things, you could save yourself several
thousand dollars in damages.