Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual
Page 126

L I G H T N I N G / 2 0 0 0
Counters | Alert bar | Color…
Change the color of the alert bar. This color will be
used to draw all alert bars in the window, except when
a counter is in yellow or red alert.
To change the yellow alert color of all counters choose
Counters | Yellow alert | Color... and to change the
red alert color of all counters choose Counters | Red
alert | Color....
Counters | Alert bar | Effect | Sunken
Change the way that all alert bars in the window are
drawn to a sunken style.
Counters | Alert bar | Effect | Flat
Change the way that all alert bars in the window are
drawn to a flat style.
Counters | Alert bar | Effect | Raised
Change the way that all alert bars in the window are
drawn to a raised style.
Counters | Yellow alert | Sound…
Make all counters in the window use the same sound
for their yellow alert sound.
Counters | Yellow alert | Color…
Change the color used to draw the alert bar (or the
counter background if the alert bar is not displayed) of
all counters in the window when they are in their
yellow alert state.