Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual

Page 43

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R E A L - T I M E L I G H T N I N G D E T E C T I O N





but it seems to perform better than anything we’ve seen

The number of CID strokes per minute is an excellent
indicator of a close storm. A distant storm will never be seen
to produce a large number of CID strokes.

The energy ratio counter is also a good indicator of whether
or not a storm is nearby. Frequent red alerts on this counter
is a sign that you should check a radar at your earliest

With the advent of Lightning/2000 v4.6, the ability to
determine – in many cases – when an individual
lightning flash is relatively nearby became possible


When such flashes are detected, a special “storm” is depicted.
Rather than being a wedge shape, these special nearby storms
are circular or elliptical. When one of these storms is shown,
there is an excellent chance that lightning is imminent or is
occurring in the immediate area.

You can configure any element (including map features) of
the analysis window by right-clicking on the element. The
analysis window is updated once per minute during real-time
lightning detection, and once per simulated minute while
playing back an archive (however it won’t be updated more
than once per second no matter what speed an archive is
played back at).

Clicking on a storm’s range box will display the Storm
Statistics window. See Storm Statistics window for more

The settings of the red and yellow alert range rings (as well as
other properties pertaining to the analysis window) can be
changed by right-clicking in the Analysis window.

The storm range alarms are triggered by the information in
this window. When a storm range alarm is triggered, a
colored border will be drawn around the Analysis window, the