Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual
Page 301

R E A L - T I M E L I G H T N I N G D E T E C T I O N
@RatioICPositiveToICNegativeStrokes( N )
The ratio of the +IC stroke count to the -IC stroke
count over the last N minutes.
@RatioICStrokesPerFlash( N )
The number of intercloud strokes per intercloud flash.
If the parameter N is omitted, the keyword returns the
number of IC strokes per IC flash in the last minute.
Values for N greater than 60 minutes will not produce
the correct output. This value typically increases as a
storm approaches.
@RatioICToCGFlashes( N )
The ratio of the IC flash count to the CG flash count
over the last N minutes.
@RatioICToCGStrokes( N )
The ratio of the IC stroke count to the CG stroke count
over the last N minutes.
@RatioStrokesPerFlash( N )
The number of strokes per flash. If the parameter N
is omitted, the keyword returns the number of strokes
per flash in the last minute. Values for N greater than
60 minutes will not produce the correct output. This
value typically increases as a storm approaches.