The flash rate counters, Total flash rate counter – Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual

Page 81

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R E A L - T I M E L I G H T N I N G D E T E C T I O N





A noise is defined as any electrical discharge that
cannot be positively identified as a lightning flash.

Noises include electrical noise from household
appliances, signals transmitted by wireless electronic
devices, and lightning strokes that have an
insufficiently well-defined waveform.

During times of heavy activity, as many or more
noises than strokes may be detected. Most of these
noises are intercloud or intracloud (IC) strokes that
cannot be positively identified as such.

A new record value is denoted by swapping the colors
of the counter and its background.

The Flash Rate Counters

Total Flash Rate Counter

Total flash rate counter, shown with and without an alert bar.

Default yellow alert trigger level: 50
Default red alert trigger level: 250
Record kept: Yes

The total flash rate counter shows the total number of
flashes of all kinds in the last minute. This includes
CG and IC flashes. For the LD-250, this counter