Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual
Page 45

R E A L - T I M E L I G H T N I N G D E T E C T I O N
100 per minute, the last 10 minutes worth of flashes are used.
If the stroke rate is at least 50 per minute, the last 15 minutes
of flashes are used. Stroke rates below 50 per minute cause
the previous 20 minutes of flash data to be used.
The average range of all strokes in a similar direction is used
to calculate the placement of the colored areas in the Threat
Assessment window. Through this averaging technique, a
more realistic appraisal of storm activity can be determined.
With the advent of Lightning/2000 v4.6, the ability to
determine – in many cases – when an individual
lightning flash is relatively nearby became possible
When such flashes are detected, a special “storm” is depicted.
Rather than being a wedge shape, these special nearby storms
are circular or elliptical. When one of these storms is shown,
there is an excellent chance that lightning is imminent or is
occurring in the immediate area.
The Threat Assessment window employs reflection rejection
(Options | Settings… from the main menu), if you have
that option turned on.
You may click on a storm in this window and display more
detailed statistics about the storm.
The border of the window will change color to indicate when
a yellow or red storm range alert is in effect. The Analysis
window determines when a storm range alert is in effect.
The Threat Assessment window can be made to resize itself
(every 5 minutes) so that the majority of lightning activity is
displayed by choosing Threat Assessment Properties |
Settings | Auto zoom from the right-click menu. The auto
zoom option is not available when using a BMP or JPG
background map.
The contents of the Threat Assessment window may be
copied to the clipboard by choosing Copy from the Edit