Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual

Page 291

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R E A L - T I M E L I G H T N I N G D E T E C T I O N





thundershower, 2 - a thunderstorm, 3 - a strong
thunderstorm, 4 - a severe thunderstorm.


The maximum intensity of any storm that lies outside
the red alert range ring, but at least partly inside the
yellow alert range ring. Possible return values are: 0
- no storm is present, 1 - a thundershower, 2 - a
thunderstorm, 3 - a strong thunderstorm, 4 - a severe


The amount of physical memory in use by the
computer in megabytes.


The amount of virtual memory in use by the computer
in megabytes.


@MinutesSinceEmailSent( ‘recipient’ )

The number of minutes since Lightning/2000 last sent
out an automatically generated email.

The second form of the keyword returns the number
of minutes since an email was sent to the specified
recipient by using the #SendEMail command.


The number of minutes since Lightning/2000
performed an automatic FTP to a server.