Operating modes – Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual

Page 24

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When used in conjunction with the Range Scaling dialog, the
squelch can be used to adjust how storms are ranged.

The Range Scaling dialog can be used to affect how the range
to storms is determined. You can use this dialog to multiply
the range to a storm by a constant factor that depends on the
original range of the storm. See chapter 8 for details on the
Range Scaling dialog.

Operating modes

The user interface of Lightning/2000 can be viewed in one of
several modes: simple mode, stroke mode, flash mode, and
advanced mode. Flash mode and stroke mode implement the
“classic” look of the user interface. However you are free to
arrange the windows and counters in whatever fashion you
wish in any mode.

The “mode” is basically a pre-defined look to the user
interface. You may select one of the modes by choosing
Window | Arrange from the main menu.

Older versions of Lightning/2000 detected only strokes.
Each stroke represents a single detection from the lightning
detection hardware. But lightning actually occurs as flashes.
Each flash is what we think of when we see a bolt of
lightning. A flash consists of many strokes. The closer a
lightning flash is, the more strokes will be detected from it.
Nearby flashes have been observed to consist of greater than
100 strokes in extreme cases.

As each lightning stroke is processed, it is checked to see if it
belongs to any of the current lightning flashes. Once no more
strokes are seen as belonging to a flash, the flash is released
into the system and is tallied.