Edit menu – Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual

Page 109

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R E A L - T I M E L I G H T N I N G D E T E C T I O N





File | Print…

Prints the contents of the window. This command is
only available from the NOWCast or Summary

File | Exit

Exit Lightning/2000.

Edit Menu

The Edit menu contains commands for manipulating text or
the contents of the clipboard. The contents of the clipboard
may be pasted into any Windows application that supports the
use of the clipboard.

Edit | Cut

Cuts the selection from the window to the clipboard.
This command is available from any text window.

Edit | Copy

Copies the selection to the clipboard without deleting
it. This command is available from any text window,
as well as the analysis window, the graph window, and
the raw lightning data window.

Copying the contents of one of the graphical windows
to the clipboard allows pictures of those windows to be
pasted into other applications.