Count keywords – Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual

Page 269

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R E A L - T I M E L I G H T N I N G D E T E C T I O N





#WriteLine( expression )

#WriteLine( expression, expression, …,
expression )

Writes text to the custom summary window. Text
written following anything written with this command
will appear on a new line. The expression may be a
quoted string, a mathematical expression (including
keywords), or a combination. Multiple elements in the
same #WriteLine command may be concatenated with
plus signs, or they may be separated by commas.

Examples of #WriteLine commands:

#WriteLine( 'this is a line of just text' )

#WriteLine( 'There are ' + @StrokeCount + ' strokes
per minute' )

#WriteLine( 4 )

#WriteLine( ‘There are ‘, @StrokeCount, ‘ strokes
per minute’ )

Count Keywords

Keywords that evaluate to a per minute stroke or flash count
may be followed by a parameter. A parameter is a number or
expression in parentheses. Then the count will evaluate to the
number of strokes or flashes in the last N minutes, where N is
the parameter.

The parameter "N" may be either a positive integer, or a
positive real number. Real numbers whose absolute value is
less than 1 must start with a zero.

For example, "0.1" is a valid parameter, but ".1" is not.