Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual

Page 316

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@TrendDetectionRate( N )

The percentage change in the total detection rate
from N minutes ago to the current time. Detections
are the sum of the number of strokes per minute and
the number of noises per minute. As it turns out, most
noises (especially when the stroke rate is high and a
storm is nearby) are actually strokes that are too
garbled to be deciphered, so the sum of the stroke
rate and the noise rate is a reasonably accurate
measure of the total detection rate.

@TrendFlashRate( N )

The percentage change in the total flash rate from N
minutes ago to the current time.

@TrendICFlashesPercentage( N )

The percentage change in the percentage of IC
flashes from N minutes ago to the current time.

@TrendICFlashRate( N )

The percentage change in the IC flash rate from N
minutes ago to the current time.

@TrendICNegativeFlashRate( N )

The percentage change in the -IC flash rate from N
minutes ago to the current time.

@TrendICPositiveFlashRate( N )

The percentage change in the +IC flash rate from N
minutes ago to the current time.