Noises – Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual

Page 219

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R E A L - T I M E L I G H T N I N G D E T E C T I O N





storms will end up having an energy ratio higher than 1.
Their energy ratio is greater than 100%.

Most days, the amount of energy detected will by less than or
equal to the total number of strokes detected. Only on days
when storms are near your location for many hours will the
total energy exceed the total number of strokes.


Noises are electrical activity that cannot be identified as actual
lightning strokes. Some noises are simply lightning strokes
that, for whatever reason, do not appear to be real lightning.
During periods of heavy lightning activity, the noise rate tends
to be quite a bit higher. This is because so many strokes can
be occurring at the same time that is becomes nearly
impossible to discern one stroke from another.

From Lightning/2000’s point of view, it is better to discard a
few too many “real” strokes, labeling them as noises, than to
incorporate too many suspect strokes into its analysis.

Many noises are electrical activity produced from man-made
devices. For example, fluorescent lights produce a burst of
noise when they are turned on. Other causes of noise include:

• electric motors

• radio transmitters

• dimmer switches on lights

• wireless devices

• computers (cooling fans in particular)

• CRT televisions and computer monitors

• electric fences