Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual
Page 108

L I G H T N I N G / 2 0 0 0
colors, fonts, alarm settings, stroke shapes, and other
similar information are loaded.
File | Load preferences…
Load a complete set of preferences. This will load not
only colors, fonts, alarm settings, etc., but also maps,
map settings, and window sizes, positions, and all
other pertinent information.
File | Save preferences…
Saves your current preferences to a file. It’s a good
idea to save your preferences after you change any
aspect of the Lightning/2000 display. This way you
will always be able to recover that custom look even if
the preferences are inadvertently changed.
There are three special preferences files that may be
created during the operation of Lightning/2000. You
may save preferences to this file, but you should not
rename it.
The “Foreign Archive Preferences” preferences file
contains your preferences when playing back an
archive file that was recorded on a computer with a
different kind of lightning detection hardware than
what you have.
The “Flash Mode Preferences” preferences file
contains your preferences when operating in the
classic flash mode.
The “Stroke Mode Preferences” preferences file
contains your preferences when operating in the class
stroke mode.l