Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual

Page 208

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L I G H T N I N G / 2 0 0 0





Mute sound

When this box is checked, none of the alarm sounds will play.

Metric units

Checking this box causes kilometers to be used instead of

Archive noises

When this box is unchecked, only strokes will be saved to the
daily archive files. It is useful if you have a persistent noise
problem and do not wish to waste hard disk space by saving
noises. Each noise saved consumes 21 bytes of disk space.

Auto zoom

When checked, causes all 3 of the map windows (Real-time
Lightning, Analysis, and Threat Assessment) to automatically
zoom to include most lightning activity. The zoom level is
recalculated every 5 minutes. The tightest zoom possible with
the auto zoom option is a radius of 25 miles (40 km).

Auto zoom may be enabled on a per window basis by right-
clicking in the window and choosing its Auto zoom option.

The auto zoom option is not available when using a bitmap
background map.

Require CID for nearby flash

When checked, a nearby flash will not be registered unless
there are CID strokes detected. Checking this will reduce the
number of false alarms to almost zero. However if you live in
an area where the storms typically don’t contain CID strokes,
then checking this will destroy your ability to detect nearby

In the United States, the vast majority of thunderstorms,
particularly during the spring and summer, contain enough