Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual
Page 5

R E A L - T I M E L I G H T N I N G D E T E C T I O N
Settings Dialog __________________________________ 207
Graph Stroke Types and Colors Dialog ______________ 211
Layer Order Dialog ______________________________ 213
Selected Topics ____________________________________ 215
Raw Lightning Data vs. Real-time Lightning _________ 215
Alerts __________________________________________ 216
Energy _________________________________________ 218
Noises __________________________________________ 219
Range Determination _____________________________ 220
Nearby Flashes __________________________________ 221
Sending E-mail via The Custom Summary ___________ 222
Antenna Placement _______________________________ 222
Troubleshooting _________________________________ 224
A Lightning Primer _________________________________ 227
Thunderstorms and Lightning Types ________________ 227
Recognizing Patterns of Strokes ____________________ 235
Lightning as an Indicator of Storm Behavior _________ 238
The Stroke Sort Process and Other Limitations _______ 242
Additional Information Sources ____________________ 244
Alphabetical Keyword List____________________________ 247
Custom Summary Language Definition _________________ 257
Custom Summary Commands and Keywords_____________ 259
Commands ______________________________________ 259
Count Keywords _________________________________ 269
Date/Time Keywords _____________________________ 275
Miscellaneous Keywords __________________________ 286