Boltek Lightning/2000 User Manual
Page 191

R E A L - T I M E L I G H T N I N G D E T E C T I O N
so that it overlaps the time interval occupied by the next or
previous age.
The oldest stroke that can be displayed is 60 minutes old.
Change the color of any stroke type by clicking the Color…
button beneath the stroke type.
Disable the appearance of a stroke type by unchecking the
check box next to the name of the stroke type.
You can disable the appearance of an entire age of strokes by
unchecking the check box at the top of the page for that age.
To change the shape of a stroke type, click the small squares
in the grid that is beneath the name of the stroke type.
Holding down the left mouse button and dragging the mouse
cursor toggles any square that the mouse cursor passes across.
By default, strokes get smaller as they age. Because of internal
limitations on the number of screen pixels that can be
depicted at any one time, you should only use very large
symbols (i.e. more than 50 pixels) for strokes that are no more
than 5 minutes old. Using extremely large symbols for the
oldest strokes will impair system performance and reduce
your ability to detect lightning.
Currently there is a limit of 500,000 pixels of lightning strokes
that may be displayed at any one time. Tests conducted with
the default stroke shapes revealed that this limit is never
approached, even when simulating extraordinarily high stroke
rates on a very high-resolution (1600x1200) display.