9 response time, 10 cell’s internal resistance, 11 robustness of a cell – Yokogawa Integral Oxygen Analyzer ZR202 User Manual

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<10. Other Functions>


IM 11M12A01-04E

10.1.9 Response Time

The cell’s response time is obtained in the procedure shown in Figure 10.1. If only either zero or span

calibration has been carried out, the response time will not be measured just as it will not be measured

in manual calibration.




The response time is obtained after the corrected calibration curve has been found. The response time

is calculated, starting at the point corresponding to 10% of the analog output up to the point at 90% of

the analog output span. That is, this response time is a 10 to 90% response.

10% of analog

output span

Five minutes maximum

Response time

Start calibration




Figure 10.1

Typical Response Time characteristics

10.1.10 Cell’s Internal Resistance

A new cell (sensor) indicates its internal resistance of 200 Ω maximum. As the cell degrades, so will

the cell’s internal resistance increase. The degradation of the cell cannot be found only by changes

in cell’s internal resistance, however. Those changes in the cell’s internal resistance will be a hint to

knowing the sensor is degrading. The updated values obtained during the calibration are displayed.

10.1.11 Robustness of a Cell

The robustness of a cell is an index for predicting the remaining life of a sensor and is expressed as

one of four time periods during which the cell may still be used:
(1) more than a year
(2) more than six months
(3) more than three months
(4) less than one month
The above four time periods are tentative and only used for preventive maintenance, not for warranty

of the performance.
This cell’s robustness can be found by a total evaluation of data involving the response time, the

cell’s internal resistance, and calibration factor. However, if a zero or span calibration was not made,

the response time cannot be measured. In such a case, the response time is not used as a factor in

evaluating the cell’s robustness.

Table 10.3

Cell Robustness and Service Life

Cell robustness

Cell s service life


One year min.


Six months min.


Three months min.


One month max.