Operation, General description – Lincoln Electric P709 GUARDIAN CONTROL SOLUTIONS User Manual
Page 52

This manual describes installation and maintenance of
components for fire detection and suppression.
• Spark Guardian™
• Oil Guardian™
• Heat Detectors (2)
• Spark Detectors (1 Set)
• Smoke Detector (1)
• Fire Detection Control Panel
• Sliding Valves
• Solenoid Valve
• Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Generator
The fire detection & suppression system is to be
installed with:
• Spark Guardian™ (cyclone spark arrester)
• Oil Guardian™ (lime feeder)
• Central filter system type (Statiflex filter bank), rang-
ing from 4-bank to 48-bank (other sizes on request)
• Central fan
• System control panel (SCP)
• Round ductwork of the appropriate diameter
See Figure B.1.
The Spark Guardian™ (A) reduces the risk of sparks,
cigarette butts or other sources of ignition reaching the
filter. Inspection hatches (E) are placed around the
Spark Guardian™ to monitor the system and deter-
mine the need for preventive maintenance. See
Maintenance Section.
The Oil Guardian™ (F) lime feeder is placed between
the Spark Guardian™ and the filter. Limestone is
applied in small quantities and makes sticky welding
fume behave like dry welding fume, enhancing filter
cleaning and filter cartridge life. The lime reduces the
risk of fire due to sparks and spontaneous combustion.
The Guardian Control™ (J) fire detection panel
processes the detection sensor signals, sets the alarm
and activates the suppression system. In case of an
alarm, a fire alarm sounder (K) will be audible.
Operational reliability in the event of a power failure is
assured by battery back-up. To ensure the overall
functionality the Guardian™ Panel monitors open or
short circuits the wiring loops of detectors and the sup-
pression system.
If the fire is detected, the system can also be activated
manually at the manual call point (L).
Automatic detection is triggered by heat, sparks or
smoke. The filter is fitted with 2 heat detectors (H)
located above the dustbin and at the top of the filter.
Spark detectors (C) are placed near the filter outlet
and in the duct after the filter. The smoke detector (D)
is placed in the duct after the filter, (5 duct diameters of
equivalent length straight duct before smoke detector).
The inlet and outlet duct of the filter are fitted with
pneumatic sliding valves (B). In the event of a fire, the
sliding valves close and cut off the air flow. This
reduces the risk of escalation. When the extraction
system is switched off, the valves are closed. The
valve in the filter outlet duct is placed down stream of
the spark and smoke detectors. The sliding valves
have reed contacts to monitor the closing function.
The filter system software runs a periodic check to
make sure the system is operating properly.
The filter is fitted with one or more Flame Guardian™
(I) fire extinguishing generators. The aerosols are
placed directly in the filter housing. Flame Guardian™
requires no maintenance and has a service life of 10
years. If there is a fire, Flame Guardian™ is activated
by the fire detection panel after the sliding valves have
closed. Flame Guardian™ will also self activate at
572°F (300°C). Fire suppression is rapidly achieved
through interference between the aerosol and the
flamesʼ free radicals. The aerosol remains active for 30
minutes after activation, thus preventing re-ignition.
The amount of aerosol is proportional to the filter vol-
ume and can be easily adapted by adding additional
Flame Guardians™.
Flame Guardian is the name used by LECO for the use
of FirePro aerosol generators in LECO filter systems.
FirePro is a product of Celanova Ltd. Listing and cer-
tifications are registered under the name FirePro.
Number and type of Flame Guardian aerosol fire extin-
guishing generators has been calculated by certified
personnel in conformity with BRL-KZ 3003 and NFPA
2010, based on filter class A, E, safety factor 1.3 and
min. concentration of 55.29 g/m
effective component.
The system control panel SCP (M) controls the filter
and fan operation. If here is a fire a signal is sent from
the Guardian™ Panel to the System Control Panel.
The System Control Panel closes the sliding valves,
stops the fan, shuts off the supply of compressed air
and deactivates the air solenoid. The air solenoid
(G)discharges the compressed air stored in the tanks.
These actions prevent any fresh air from reaching the