Impedance pneumography – ZOLL Propaq MD Rev A User Manual

Page 219

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Impedance Pneumography

9650-0805-01 Rev. A

Propaq MD Operator’s Guide


Heart Rate Response to Irregular Rhythm: (AAMI EC13-2002, section

Ventricular Bigeminy: 80 BPM (expected)

Slow Alternating Ventricular Bigeminy: 60 BPM (expected)

Rapid Alternating Ventricular Bigeminy: 120 BPM (expected)

Bidirectional Systole: 45 BPM (expected)

Tachycardia Response Time:

Response time to tachycardia alarm is on average 3.4 seconds per AAMI EC-13-2002,
section, and IEC 60601-2-27, clause Response times include a 1.0
second display update interval.

Pacemaker Pulse Rejection:
(In accordance with AAMI EC13:2002, section 4.1.4 and IEC 60601-2-27:2005, subclause

Pulses without overshoot: Rejects all pulses with amplitude of +2 mV to +700 mV and
duration of 0.1 ms to 2 ms, with no tail.

Pulses with overshoot: Rejects all pulses with amplitude of +2 mV to +700 mV and duration
of 0.1 ms to 2 ms, with overshoot up to 100 ms.

A-V sequential pulses: A-V sequential pacemaker pulses may not be rejected.

Fast ECG signals: Approximately 50% of ECG input pulses with a slew rate of 3 V/s RTI
may trigger the pacemaker pulse detector.

Electrosurgery Protection: The Propaq MD is suitable for use in the presence of
electrosurgery as specified in IEC 60601-2-27. Burn hazard protection via a 1K current limiting
resistor contained in each ECG leadwire.

Impedance Pneumography

Displayed Data: Numeric breath rate, Impedance waveform

Breath rate range:

Adult, Ped: 2 to 150 breaths / minute

Neonates: 3 to 150 breaths / minute

Breath rate accuracy: 2% or +/- 2 breaths / minute, whichever is greater

Displayed Breath Rate: Average of last 10 breath-to-breath rates.

Leads: Lead I (RA – LA), Lead II (RA – LL)

Sweep Speed: 3.13, 6.25, 12.5 mm/sec

Alarm settings: High and low breath rate alarm