10 saving recording options, 11 recording bluetooth traffic – Teledyne LeCroy Merlin Mobile - Users Manual User Manual
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Merlin Mobile User’s Manual
SW Version 2.0
Step 3
Click on the other event.
The arrow should connect to the second button and the second button should
instantly change locations to the center section of the window.
6.10 Saving Recording Options
To complete your Recording Options settings, use the features at the bottom
of the Recording Options screen. These features remain the same no matter
which of the three Recording Options screens you are working in.
Click Save to save the currently specified Recording Options for use in future
recording sessions. Any file name can be specified, though use of the .rec is
recommended; if no extension is specified, .rec is added by default.
Click Load to load a previously saved *.rec file, thus restoring a previous set
of Recording Options.
The Save as Default function is equivalent to the Save function, specifying the
file name default.rec. Whenever you start up the Analyzer, it automatically
loads the default.rec file if one exists.
Click OK to apply any changes and close this dialog box.
Click Cancel to cancel any immediate changes you have made and exit the
Recording Options menu.
6.11 Recording Bluetooth Traffic
To start recording Bluetooth traffic once the appropriate Recording Options
have been set,
Step 1
Select Start under Record on the Menu Bar