Oscilloscope's tmpl? query response, Operator's manual – Teledyne LeCroy WaveAce 1000_2000 Remote Control User Manual

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Operator's Manual

Oscilloscope's TMPL? Query Response

This template is the oscilloscope's response to a TMPL? query:/00


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; Explanation of the formats of waveforms and their descriptors on the

; Teledyne LeCroy Digital Oscilloscopes,

; Software Release 8.1.0, 98/09/29.


; A descriptor and/or a waveform consists of one or several logical data

; blocks whose formats are explained below.

; Usually, complete waveforms are read: at the minimum they consist of

; the basic descriptor block WAVEDESC a data array block.

; Some more complex waveforms, e.g. Extrema data or the results of a

; Fourier transform, may contain several data array blocks.

; When there are more blocks, they are in the following sequence:

; the basic descriptor block WAVEDESC

; the history text descriptor block USERTEXT (may or may not be present)

; the time array block (for RIS and sequence acquisitions only)

; data array block

; auxiliary or second data array block


; In the following explanation, every element of a block is described by

; a single line in the form


; : ;

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