Waveace remote control – Teledyne LeCroy WaveAce 1000_2000 Remote Control User Manual

Page 78

background image

WaveAce Remote Control

_2 interpolated

_3 sparsed

_4 autoscaled

_5 no_result

_6 rolling

_7 cumulative



<320> RESERVED5: word ; expansion entry


<322> RIS_SWEEPS: word ; for RIS, the number of sweeps

; else 1


; The following variables describe the basic acquisition

; conditions used when the waveform was acquired


<324> TIMEBASE: enum

_0 1_ps/div

_1 2_ps/div

_2 5_ps/div

_3 10_ps/div

_4 20_ps/div

_5 50_ps/div

_6 100_ps/div

_7 200_ps/div

_8 500_ps/div


920836 Rev B