Part ii: command reference, Command notation – Teledyne LeCroy WaveAce 1000_2000 Remote Control User Manual

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Operator's Manual

Part II: Command Reference

All remote control commands and queries recognized by the instrument can be executed in either a





This section lists commands and queries by short name in alphabetical order within subsystem.

Command Notation

A brief explanation of the operation performed by the command or query is followed by the formal

syntax, with the full-name header given in lowercase characters and the short form derived from it in

uppercase characters (e.g.,





Where applicable, the syntax of the query is given with the format of its response. For each command,

a short GPIB example illustrating a typical use is also provided. The device name of the oscilloscope is

defined as


in the examples, but you can substitute any valid device name.

Queries obtain information. They are recognized by


following their headers. Many commands can be

used as queries simply by adding the question mark.

TIP: You can always find out the correct form of a command by manually setting up the oscilloscope in the exact

required condition, and then sending a query which corresponds to the command. The reply from the

oscilloscope can then be copied into your program as a command.

Commands make use of the following notational symbols:

< > - Angular brackets enclose words used as placeholders of which there are two types - the header path

and the data parameter of a command.

:= - A colon followed by an equals sign separates a placeholder from the description of the type and range

of values for use in a command instead of the placeholder.

{ } - Braces enclose a list of choices, one of which must be made.
[ ] - Square brackets enclose optional items.
- An ellipsis indicates the items to its left and right can be repeated any number of times.

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