LevelOne GSW-4876 User Manual

Page 152

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| Configuring the Switch

MLD Snooping

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If multicast routing is not supported on other switches in your network, you

can use MLD Snooping and Query to monitor MLD service requests passing

between multicast clients and servers, and dynamically configure the

switch ports which need to forward multicast traffic.

Multicast routers use information from MLD snooping and query reports,

along with a multicast routing protocol such as PIMv6, to support IP

multicasting across the Internet.



Advanced Configuration, IPMC, MLD Snooping, Basic Configuration



These parameters are displayed:

Global Configuration

Snooping Enabled - When enabled, the switch will monitor network

traffic to determine which hosts want to receive multicast traffic.

(Default: Disabled)
This switch can passively snoop on MLD Listener Query and Report

packets transferred between IP multicast routers/switches and IP

multicast host groups to identify the IP multicast group members. It

simply monitors the MLD control packets passing through it, picks out

the group registration information, and configures the multicast filters


Unregistered IPMCv6 Flooding Enabled - Floods unregistered

multicast traffic into the attached VLAN. (Default: Enabled)
Once the table used to store multicast entries for MLD snooping is

filled, no new entries are learned. If no router port is configured in the

attached VLAN, and Unregistered IPMCv6 Flooding is disabled, any

subsequent multicast traffic not found in the table is dropped,

otherwise it is flooded throughout the VLAN.

MLD SSM Range - The Source-Specific Multicast Range allows SSM-

aware hosts and routers to run the SSM service model for groups in the

specified address range.
When downstream hosts request service from a specific source for a

multicast service, these sources are all placed in the Include list, and

traffic is forwarded to the hosts from each of these sources. MLD hosts

may also request that service be forwarded from any source except for

those specified. In this case, traffic is filtered from sources in the

Exclude list, and forwarded from all other available sources.

Leave Proxy Enabled - Suppresses leave messages unless received

from the last member port in the group. (Default: Disabled)
MLD leave proxy suppresses all unnecessary MLD leave messages so

that a non-querier switch forwards an MLD leave packet only when the

last dynamic member port leaves a multicast group.
The leave-proxy feature does not function when a switch is set as the

querier. When the switch is a non-querier, the receiving port is not the