LevelOne GSW-4876 User Manual
Page 105

| Configuring the Switch
Configuring Security
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MAC Parameters
DMAC Filter - The type of destination MAC address. (Options: Any,
MC - multicast, BC - broadcast, UC - unicast; Default: Any)
IP Parameters
IP Protocol Filter - Specifies the IP protocol to filter for this rule.
(Options: Any, ICMP, UDP, TCP, Other; Default: Any)
The following additional fields are displayed when these protocol
filters are selected.
ICMP Parameters
ICMP Type Filter - Specifies the type of ICMP packet to filter
for this rule. (Options: Any, Specific: 0-255; Default: Any)
ICMP Code Filter - Specifies the ICMP code of an ICMP packet
to filter for this rule. (Options: Any, Specific (0-255);
Default: Any)
UDP Parameters
Source Port Filter - Specifies the UDP source filter for this rule.
(Options: Any, Specific (0-65535), Range (0-65535);
Default: Any)
Dest. Port Filter - Specifies the UDP destination filter for this
rule. (Options: Any, Specific (0-65535), Range (0-65535);
Default: Any)
TCP Parameters
Source Port Filter - Specifies the TCP source filter for this rule.
(Options: Any, Specific (0-65535), Range (0-65535);
Default: Any)
Dest. Port Filter - Specifies the TCP destination filter for this
rule. (Options: Any, Specific (0-65535), Range (0-65535);
Default: Any)
TCP FIN - Specifies the TCP “No more data from sender” (FIN)
value for this rule. (Options: Any - any value is allowed, 0 - TCP
frames where the FIN field is set must not match this entry,
1 - TCP frames where the FIN field is set must match this entry;
Default: Any)
TCP SYN - Specifies the TCP “Synchronize sequence numbers”
(SYN) value for this rule. (Options: Any - any value is allowed,
0 - TCP frames where the SYN field is set must not match this