Network setup, continued – Fairbanks AN Series Fairbanks Access Solutions User Manual

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Section 3: Access Terminal Screens Defined



51299 Rev. 1

3.3.3. Network Setup, Continued

Preferred DNS: When DHCP is enabled, the preferred DNS assigned to the

terminal will be displayed. Otherwise enter the preferred DNS that the terminal
should use on the network.

Secondary DNS: When DHCP is enabled, the secondary DNS assigned to

the terminal will be displayed. Otherwise enter the secondary DNS that the
terminal should use on the network.

TCP Settings

Keep Alive Time: The parameter controls how frequently TCP tries to verify

that an idle connection is still intact by sending a keep alive packet. If the
remote computer is still reachable and functioning, the remote computer
acknowledges the keep alive transmission. By default, keep alive packets are
not sent. A program can turn on this feature on a connection.

Keep Alive Interval: This parameter determines the interval that separates

keep alive retransmissions until a response is received. After a response is
received, Keep Alive Time again controls the delay until the next keep alive
transmission. The connection is aborted after the number of retransmissions
that are specified by Data Retransmissions are unanswered.

Data Retransmissions: This parameter controls the number of times that

TCP retransmits an individual data segment (non-connect segment) before it
aborts the connection. The retransmission timeout is doubled with each
successive retransmission on a connection. It is reset when responses
resume. The base timeout value is dynamically determined by the measured
round-trip time on the connection.

Secondary IP Settings

Enable Dual Homing: Dual homing allows the terminal to have two IP

addresses assigned to it. This is useful if the terminal needs to communicate
with devices on separate networks (subnets). This is required to be enabled
and configured if using the I/O node accessory. See sect. 5.2.3 for setup

IP Address: Secondary IP address that the terminal should use on the


Subnet Mask: Secondary subnet mask that the terminal should use on the
