Scale ticket setup, continued – Fairbanks AN Series Fairbanks Access Solutions User Manual

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Section 3: Access Terminal Screens Defined



51299 Rev. 1

3.2.9. Scale Ticket Setup, Continued

Print Credit Card Ticket: Controls when a scale ticket will be printed for transactions
that are paid for with a credit card. Options are Never , Always (default), and On

Completion. On Completion means that for a vehicle that weighs in and out, a scale
ticket is only printed on the weigh out stage (when the transaction is completed).

Transaction / Ticket Number Label: The user can customize the label used for the
transaction or ticket number printed on the ticket. The default value is Ticket#.

Print Hauler: If checked, the name of the hauler name (owner of the vehicle) will be
printed on the scale ticket

Print Vehicle: If checked, the vehicle ID will be printed on the scale ticket. This is the
Vehicle ID in MatreX, not the ID that the driver used to start the transaction.

Print Selected Items: If checked, the names of all of the selected items from the
prompts will be printed on the scale ticket.

Print Transfer ID: The transfer ID is a number generated by the terminal based on
the serial number and the current date/time.

Print CC Pre Auth Data: When enabled, any pre-authentication data ( amount,
authorization code, transaction id) will be printed for credit card transactions. This
only applies to the pre-authentication phase of the transactions (weigh in stage).

Print Signature Line: When enabled, a line on the ticket will be printed to allow the
driver to sign the ticket.

Print Rate Details: When rate information is printed it is normally just the finally
charges, taxes and total charges. With this option enabled, additional rate information
for any selected item will be printed as well.

Print Net Weight in Both: If enabled, the net weight will be printed in both units
(pounds and tons or kilograms and metric tons).