Timeout and delay setup, continued – Fairbanks AN Series Fairbanks Access Solutions User Manual

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Section 3: Access Terminal Screens Defined



51299 Rev. 1

3.2.10. Timeout And Delay Setup, Continued

Flow Meter Timeouts

Cancel Timeout: When the volume screen is displayed an no volume was recored by
the flow meter, the transaction will be canceled after this timeout expires. Default is
off. Be sure to allow enough time for the driver to possible move the truck and
connect hoses if this timeout is enabled.

Done Pumping Timeout: Once flow is detected by the meter, the system will not
allow the driver to complete the transaction as long as there is flow. Often at the end
of pumping the flow will go to zero and then start up again. This timeout will keep the
system in this state for the configured number of seconds. Default is 15 seconds.

Auto Complete Timeout: After the flow as stopped and the Done Pumping Timeout
has expired, the driver can then complete the transaction. If the transaction is not
completed, it will be automatically completed when this timeout expires. Default is