Fairbanks AN Series Fairbanks Access Solutions User Manual
Page 19

Section 2: Maintenance
51299 Rev. 1
2.5. Restore From Backup Using USB Memory Stick
The USB memory sticks restore is only necessary if the SD card or software has
been damaged. Otherwise all files pertaining to Access Terminal operations are
contained on the SD card.
If the SD card and software is intact but a hardware replacement of the Titan board is
necessary then only move the existing SD card to the new board.
With the USB memory stick inserted on the communications board, go to below
navigation points.
From a successful power up the first screen or state is the main state, “Welcome”.
Follow the navigation steps below from the “Welcome”, location.
First verify the serial number on the unit is correct, if not the restore will not have
correct reference to locate the previous backup.
1.) Login to the service home screen: Press *77* >> Press 12345 >>
2.) Select Setup: Press 3d
arrow button
3.) Set Serial Number: Press 2
arrow button
4.) View Serial Number, if correct press ‘*’ otherwise modify and save.
5.) Back out to the main Welcome Screen by continually pressing * till the
Welcome Screen is seen.
Restore after serial number confirmed.
1.) Login to the service home screen: Press *77* >> Press 12345 >>
2.) Select Diagnostics: Press 2
arrow button
3.) Tech Menu: Press 1
arrow button
4.) Backup Menu: Press key 7
5.) Restore All: Press key 4