Sharpening tips – Darex XPS-16 Operating Instructions User Manual

Page 61

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1. Use MIN MTO when touching up your facet

and conic ground drills.

2. Use MID MTO when sharpening chipped facet

and conic ground drills.

3. Use MAX when changing point angles on conic

ground drills only.

4. If your drill has a broken or highly misshaped

geometry, you will want to rough grind on the

XT3000 first.

5. If your drill has one cutting edge grossly

longer that the other, when you insert the drill

into the chuck, position the longest side down.

The sensor will detect the most protruding

edge and adjust its grind accordingly.

6. If you enter a drill diameter size outside the

capability range of the sharpener, the setting

will default to the closest MIN/MAX diameter


7. To make wheel changes faster, using a per-

manent marker, write the X & Z wheel offset

values on the back of the wheel. After each

wheel change, type in the offset from the back

of that wheel.

8. To extend the life of and improve the perform-

ance of your wheel, clean each new wheel be-

fore using. For wheel cleaning instructions


fer to information on page 57.

9. To adjust the parallelism of the facets, rotate

the cutting edge using the Advance button.

For more information

Refer to page 39.

10. Each time the XPS-16 is powered up, it de-

faults to the Darex File and reloads all default

offset values.

11. Make sure each time you power down the

XPS-16, you save your work, just as you

would on a PC. To save or create a file,


to information on pages 23 & 24

12. If the XPS is having trouble picking up the

drills cutting edge, paint just behind the cut-

ting lip, using white correction fluid such as Bic

Wite-out. Because the fiber optic sensor works

from reflectivity, the color of the drill may in-

terfere with the alignment. Drills Black and

Gold in color, are the biggest culprits. Painting

just behind the cutting edge will help the sen-

sor locate the cutting edge.

13. For a thick webbed drill, mark inside the flute

using a black marker. Paint just under, and

right up to, but not touching the cutting edge.

14. To increase the hone on the cutting edge of

the drill, increase the length of time the drill is

in the honing cycle.

15. If your drill has a thin web, we do not recom-

mend sharpening it as a facet point style. The

width of the primary facet produced will be

very thin.

16. Be careful when chucking up carbide drills.

Center the drill in the jaws as you tighten the

chuck. It is helpful to rotate the drill as you

tighten down the chuck. Be careful not to over

tighten the chuck on small drills.


You can influence the size of the radius cre-

ated on an R-Split drill. Measure web of drill.

Enter a web thickness value smaller than the

drills actual web diameter. Watch the C Axis

rotation, it will automatically advance the drill

in the + direction and could nick the opposite

cutting edge. Adjust the C Axis rotation in the

minus direction.

For more details see page 35.

Sharpening Tips

Sharpening Tips