Download details, Usb communication port setup – Darex XPS-16 Operating Instructions User Manual

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After transfer is com-
plete, a screen will ap-
pear prompting you to
shut down machine and

ful. Turn the machine off and then on again and

run the Initialization program.

Figure 1 – Device Manager

Figure 3 – Advanced Settings

At this point downloadin g software was success-

Figure 2 – Port Settings

The computer interface to the XPS-16 is through an RS-232

The following steps should be followed for successful

1. Go to and install the latest Windows

calibration CD supplied with the XPS-16). Do not plug
the unit into the PC while installing the driver.

3. Check in the Windows Device Manager under Ports

to see what COM port it assigned. It should show-up as

“Prolific USB-to-Serial Bridge” (see Figure 1).

SLoader needs the assignment to be ports 1 through 4.

4. If the assignment is higher than COM4, then you can

force it to a lower unused port using the Advanced … menu

from the Port Settings page. To access this menu, double

click on the port in Device Manager and select the Port

Settings tab (see Figure 2).

5. Click on the Advanced… button and set the

(see Figure 3).

COM Port Number to a lower value such as COM4

6. Close out of Device Manager and the Adaptor

should now operate like a standard Serial port.

correct assigned port.

7. Proceed with normal upload and download

activities. When SLoader is closed and the

released but it should re-acquire the same port
number when the Adaptor is re-attached.

Be sure to set the port number in SLoader to the

Adaptor removed from the PC, the port is


2. Connect the USB to Serial Adaptor to a port on your PC.

(serial) port. Many PCs (especially notebooks) do not

to Serial Port Adaptor which emulates a Serial port through

a USB port. The USB to Serial Port adaptor is used with

SLoader on systems running Windows XP and Vista

including desktop and notebook hardware.

contain serial ports


Provided in your tool kit is a USB

driver for this item (driver is also located on the

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USB Communication Port Setup

Instructions Cont.

USB Communication Port Setup Instructions