4 optomux commands, 5 analog i/o numbers – Micromod Micro-DCI: 53MC5000 PLC AND PRINTER INTERFACES User Manual

Page 58

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The PCS OPTO 22 interface application uses three command sequences: Initialization, Read, and
Write, to communicate with the OPTOMUX boards. During the Initialization sequence the PCS
sends to the OPTOMUX boards a Reset; control byte values (e.g., B667/B643, which contain the
number of even board output modules); watchdog times (e.g., Watchdog Delay, B671/B647); and
analog input probe type identifiers (e.g., B655, B656, B679, and B680, which are the probe identi-
fier datapoints). The Read I/O sequence causes data to be sent from the OPTOMUX boards to the
PCS and the Write I/O sequence causes data to be sent from the PCS to the OPTOMUX boards.
After the Initialization sequence is complete, it is not repeated unless a datapoint is changed or a
power-up condition occurs. If a datapoint is changed, an Initialization sequence will occur within
10 seconds. After the Initialization sequence is completed, the Read and Write sequences alter-
nately operate to transfer data between the PCS and the OPTOMUX boards.


All analog writes from the PCS must have values between 0 and 4095. These limits will be im-
posed on all numbers outside this range. Analog read commands other than Read Temperature In-
puts return numbers between -819 and 3276. The Read Temperature Input command returns a
-273 C

° to 2047 C°.


The Read Analog Command control byte in Table 5-4 provides a suite of read commands that can
be selected by the user. These commands can be categorized into five five groups that have the
following analog I/O numbers:

1. Read Analog Inputs - reads and reports the analog data as a raw number between -819

and 3276.

2. Read Temperature Inputs - reads the analog data and reports it as a temperature ac-

cording to the probe types connected to the board modules as described in the codes
entered into the Analog Input Type control bytes of Table 5-4.

3. Read Input Average Data - reports the analog data as an average of n samples where

n is entered into control bytes B681 for DDI-A and B657 for DDI-B of Table 5-4. The av-
eraged numeric value is between -819 to 3276.

4. Read Peak/Lowest Values - reads the peak or the lowest values between -819 and

3276, depending on the command used

5. Clear Peak/Lowest Values - clears the peak or the lowest values between -819 and

3276, depending on the command used


If module types are mixed on one board, the Read Analog Inputs command must be used. The
data will be returned ranged as -819 to 3276 representing 0 to 100% of input and must be con-
verted to whatever units are required in the PCS.

53MC9015 53MC5000 PLC and Printer Interfaces
