Luminex 200 User Manual with LDS 1.7 Software User Manual

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Luminex 200 User Manual for LDS Version 1.7


MAP Technology

6 - 16

PN 89-00002-00-150 Rev. A

Bead Set tab

On the Bead Set tab you can select and name the appropriate
microsphere sets. Select only microsphere sets that are present in
your samples.

Figure 6-18. Settings Dialog Box - Bead Set Tab

Available: Lists available bead sets for the default beadmap (or
MAP) selected in Options. See page 6-2 for more information. If the
bead set you need is not on the Available list, click Options on the
toolbar and select a different default MAP. If you change the default
MAP for an open session, close the session and open it again to
update the default MAP.

Selected: Displays and describes the bead sets to be used in a
session. The arrow buttons allow you to add or remove bead sets
from the selection (individually or as a group). For example, to select
bead sets, simply click the arrows pointing toward the Selected box.
The single arrow button selects the highlighted bead set, and the
double arrow button selects all of the bead sets. To remove unwanted
bead sets, click the arrows pointing toward the Available box. Select
at least one bead set before running your assay.

If you double click on a bead set in the Available section, the bead
set appears in the Selected section, and vice versa.

Caption: Allows you to label or rename beads to identify the assay
bound to that particular bead set (for example, 909 IgG). First,
highlight the bead set to be renamed. Click in the Caption edit box.
Then type in the new label or name. In the Selected window, the
original numeric designation remains in the first column, and the
corresponding new label or name appears in the second column.