Luminex 200 User Manual with LDS 1.7 Software User Manual

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Luminex 200 User Manual for LDS Version 1.7


MAP Technology

6 - 2

PN 89-00002-00-150 Rev. A

Sound effects: Enables sounds during system operation.

Clear recent file list: Removes the list of recent files from the File
menu. Do this each time you want to clear the list of recent files.

Show project settings dialog on new session: Opens the project
settings dialog box when you start a new session. You can also click
Settings on the toolbar to open the settings dialog box.

Display full path of session on title bar: If this option is unchecked,
an abbreviated file name displays on the title bar.

Auto resize acquisition grid: Resizes the acquisition grid depending
on the length of text within each column.

Default beadmap: Controls the beadmap (or MAP) used when you
begin a session via the New Session button on the Main screen.
Click Browse to change the setting. Each MAP refers to a certain
combination of xMAP microspheres. The 100, 50, and 25 Region
MAPs are standard MAPs for multiple analyte data collection. Use
the Development MAP for development microspheres. The
Calibrator MAP and NoRegion MAPS are for system diagnostics.

Figure 6-2. 100 Region MAP