YSI 600DW-B Sonde User Manual

Page 96

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-------------Advanced setup-----------
1-(*)VT100 emulation
2-( )Power up to Menu
3-( )Power up to Run
4-( )Comma radix
5-(*)Auto sleep RS232
6-( )Auto sleep SDI12
7-( )Multi SDI12
8-( )Full SDI12
9-( )Sample and Hold

Select option (0 for previous menu): 0

1-(*)VT100 emulation. Activate this option for VT100 terminal emulation. This feature allows the sonde
to send escape sequences to clear the screen which in turn results in an improved display. Usually this
feature should be activated, but, if your terminal or terminal emulator shows odd characters at the
beginning of each menu title, then turn this item off. With the feature off, the sonde will send several
carriage returns and line feeds to 'clear' the display. The number of 's and 's is determined by the
page length setting.

2-( )Power up to Menu. When this item is enabled, the sonde will go directly to menu mode when power
is applied to the sonde. If the command line mode is not useful for your applications, then enabling this
item will negate the need to type “Menu” and

Enter at the # prompt to access the Main sonde menu.

Activation of this item is NOT recommended except for special applications.

3-( )Power up to Run.

When this item is enabled the sonde will start sampling and output data as soon

as power is applied to the sonde. If “Power up to menu” is also enabled, the sonde will first enter the menu
mode and then the run mode where it will start sampling. If “Power up to menu” is not enabled, the sonde
will go to command line mode and then start the run function. With “Power up to Run” disabled, the sonde
will wait for your command at power up (in either command line or menu mode) as set by “Power up to
Menu”. If you are using your sonde for Unattended sampling, do not activate this mode. Activation of this
item is NOT recommended except for special applications.

4-( )Comma radix. When this item is enabled, the sonde will replace decimal points with commas when
printing numbers. NOTE: Regardless of this setting, SDI-12 'D' commands will still respond using a
decimal point.

5-(*)Auto sleep RS232. Activation of this feature enables a power savings system when communicating
with the sonde in RS-232 mode. When enabled, power is only applied to the sensors during sampling or
calibration. The most important aspect of this feature is its effect on the free chlorine protocol as described
in Section 2.9.2. For this reason, this feature should be activated for long term monitoring studies in the
RS-232 communication mode and deactivated for sampling studies where the user is present and the sonde
runs continuously. Even with Autosleep inactive, the sonde will “sleep” after one minute with no

6-(*)Auto sleep SDI12.
Activation of this feature enables the power savings system when communicating
with the sonde in SDI-12 mode. This is basically the same as item 5 above except that it is used in
communication via the SDI-12 interface. Also, the sonde will “sleep” in about 100 milliseconds in the
absence of communication, rather that waiting one minute in the Auto sleep RS-232 mode.

YSI Incorporated

Drinking Water Monitoring Systems Operations Manual


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