9 connecting to a sonde – YSI 600DW-B Sonde User Manual
Page 124

650 MDS
Section 3
As shown above, enter the designation “YSI 650” using the general instructions outlined above. Start by
pressing the numeric 9 key three times in rapid succession while viewing the characters on the display until
a “Y” appears. After the entry is complete, pause and the cursor will automatically move to the next entry
position. Now press the numeric 7 four times in succession while viewing the characters on the display.
When an “S” appears, pause and the cursor will move automatically to the next entry position. Continue
with the entries in this way until ID designation is complete. If you make a mistake, you can use the left
arrow key to highlight the flawed entry and correct it. When the entry is complete, press Enter to confirm
it. Note that for this example, where both alpha and numeric entries are appropriate, the user must press the
numeric 2 key 4 times in succession to generate the number 2, as opposed to the previous clock-setting
example where a single press of the numeric 2 key generated the number 2.
After completing the above example, press the Escape key repeatedly to return to the 650 Main menu and
then proceed to the next section.
The primary use of the 650 is to interface with YSI 6-series sondes. In this configuration, you will be able
to see data from the sonde sensors in real-time on the 650 display as well as to configure the sonde for your
particular application. In addition, once sonde interface is established, you will be able to easily log data
from the sonde sensors to either the memory of the sonde or the memory of the 650 for later analysis.
The connection between the sonde and the 650 is made via the mating of MS-8 connectors on the standard
YSI field cable and the bottom of the 650 case. To make the connection, hold the 650 in one hand, place
the 650 and cable connectors together, and rotate the field cable connector until engagement occurs. Then
rotate the field cable connector approximately 1-quarter turn until it is fully engaged as evidenced by a
YSI, Incorporated Drinking Water Monitoring Systems Operations Manual