Table 101 pki logs – ZyXEL Communications NBG420N User Manual

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Chapter 21 Logs

NBG420N User’s Guide


Rule [%d] Phase 1 ID mismatch The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 ID did not match between the

router and the peer.

Rule [%d] Phase 1 hash

The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 hash did not match between the

router and the peer.

Rule [%d] Phase 1 preshared
key mismatch

The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 pre-shared key did not match

between the router and the peer.

Rule [%d] Tunnel built

The listed rule’s IPSec tunnel has been built successfully.

Rule [%d] Peer's public key
not found

The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 peer’s public key was not found.

Rule [%d] Verify peer's
signature failed

The listed rule’s IKE phase 1verification of the peer’s

signature failed.

Rule [%d] Sending IKE request IKE sent an IKE request for the listed rule.

Rule [%d] Receiving IKE

IKE received an IKE request for the listed rule.

Swap rule to rule [%d]

The router changed to using the listed rule.

Rule [%d] Phase 1 key length

The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 key length (with the AES

encryption algorithm) did not match between the router and

the peer.

Rule [%d] phase 1 mismatch

The listed rule’s IKE phase 1 did not match between the router

and the peer.

Rule [%d] phase 2 mismatch

The listed rule’s IKE phase 2 did not match between the router

and the peer.

Rule [%d] Phase 2 key length

The listed rule’s IKE phase 2 key lengths (with the AES

encryption algorithm) did not match between the router and

the peer.

Table 101 PKI Logs



Enrollment successful

The SCEP online certificate enrollment was successful. The

Destination field records the certification authority server IP address

and port.

Enrollment failed

The SCEP online certificate enrollment failed. The Destination field

records the certification authority server’s IP address and port.

Failed to resolve

The SCEP online certificate enrollment failed because the certification

authority server’s address cannot be resolved.

Enrollment successful

The CMP online certificate enrollment was successful. The Destination

field records the certification authority server’s IP address and port.

Enrollment failed

The CMP online certificate enrollment failed. The Destination field

records the certification authority server’s IP address and port.

Failed to resolve CA server url>

The CMP online certificate enrollment failed because the certification

authority server’s IP address cannot be resolved.

Rcvd ca cert: name>

The router received a certification authority certificate, with subject

name as recorded, from the LDAP server whose IP address and port

are recorded in the Source field.

Table 100 IKE Logs (continued)