Table 4–6. auto increment and auto decrement modes – Texas Instruments MSP50C614 User Manual
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Instruction Syntax and Addressing Modes
Assembly Language Instructions
Table 4–5. MSP50P614/MSP50C614 Addressing Modes Summary
name [dest,] [src,] *dma16 [*2] [, next A]
name *dma16 [*2] [,src] [, next A]
Second word operand (
dma16) used directly as memory
Long Relative
name [dest] [,src] ,*Rx+offset16 [, next A]
name *Rx+offset16 [,src] [, next A]
Selects one of 8 address registers as base value and adds
the value in the second word operand. Does not modify the
base address register.
Relative to R5
name [dest] [,src] ,*Rx+R5 [, next A]
name *Rx+R5 [,src] [, next A]
Selects one of 8 address registers as base value and adds
the value in R5. Does not modify the base address register.
name [dest] [, src] ,*Rx++R5 [, next A]
name [dest] [, src] ,*Rx [, next A]
name [dest] [, src] ,*Rx++ [, next A]
name [dest] [, src] ,*Rx— [, next A]
name *Rx++R5 [, src] [, next A]
name *Rx [, src] [, next A]
name *Rx++ [, src] [, next A]
name *Rx–– [, src] [, next A]
Selects one of 8 address registers to be used as the ad-
dress, post modifications of increment, decrement, and +
INDEX(R5) are possible.
Short Relative
name [dest] [, src] ,*R6+offset7 [, next A]
name *R6+offset7 [, src] [, next A]
Selects PAGE(R6) register as the base address and adds a
7 bit positive address offset from operand field (b6–b0). This
permits the relative addressing of 128 bytes or 64 words.
Does not modify the PAGE address register.
k is shown as
Global Flag
name TFn, dma6
name dma6, TFn
For use with flag instructions only. Adds lower 7 bits of
instruction to a fixed address base reference of zero. 64
fixed flags are addressed by this mode beginning at ad-
dress 0000h.
Relative Flag
name TFn, *R6+offset6
name *R6+offset6, TFn
For use with flag instructions only. Adds lower 7 bits of
instruction(lsb set to zero) to a address base reference
stored in the PAGE register (R6). 64 flags relative to PAGE
may be addressed with this mode.
Table 4–6. Auto Increment and Auto Decrement Modes
next A
No modification
Aufto increment
Auto decrement
– –A
String mode
Table 4–6 describes the accumulator pointer auto preincrement or
predecrement syntax. Not all instructions can premodify accumulator pointers.
next A field is a two bit field using bits 10 and 11 of only certain classes
of instructions. Instructions with a [
next A] have either a ––A or a ++A in the
instruction. See Table 4–6.