Raritan Computer Home Security System User Manual

Page 144

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Chapter 8: Nodes, Node Groups, and Interfaces


4. If you want to create a policy that allows access to the nodes in this

group at any time, select the Create Full Access Policy for Group

5. When you are done adding nodes to the group, click OK to create

the node group. The group will be added to the list of Node Groups
on the left.

Describe Nodes

To add a node group with the Describe Nodes option:

1. Click the Select Nodes tab.

2. Click the Add New Row icon

to add a row in the table for a new

rule. Rules take the form of an expression which can be compared
against nodes.

3. Double-click each column in the row to turn the appropriate cell into

a drop-down menu, then select the appropriate value for each

ƒ Prefix - Leave this blank or select NOT. If NOT is selected, this

rule will filter for values opposite of the rest of the expression.

ƒ Category - Select an attribute that will be evaluated in the rule. All

categories you created in the Association Manager will be
available here. Also included are Node Name and Interface. If
any blade chassis has been configured in the system, a Blade
Chassis category is available by default.

ƒ Operator - Select a comparison operation to be performed

between the Category and Element items. Three operators are
available: = (is equal to), LIKE (used for find the Element in a
name) and <> (is not equal to).

ƒ Element - Select a value for the Category attribute to be

compared against. Only elements associated with the selected
category will appear here (for example: if evaluating a
“Department” category, “Location” elements will not appear

ƒ Rule Name- This is a name assigned to the rule in this row. You

cannot edit these values. Use these values for writing
descriptions in the Short Expression field.

An example rule might be Department = Engineering, meaning it
describes all nodes that the category “Department” set to
“Engineering.” This is exactly what happens when you configure
the associations during an Add Node operation.