Reboot or force reboot a virtual host node – Raritan Computer Home Security System User Manual

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Chapter 8: Nodes, Node Groups, and Interfaces


2. In the list of nodes, select the nodes you want to synchronize. Use

Ctrl+click to select multiple items.

3. Click Synchronize. If the virtual infrastructure had changed since the

last synchronization, the information in CC-SG updates.

ƒ The Configured in Secure Gateway column shows the number of

virtual machines or hosts that are configured in CC-SG.

ƒ The Last Synchronization Date shows the date and time of the


ƒ The Node Status column shows the status of the virtual node.

Enable or Disable Daily Synchronization of the Virtual Infrastructure

You can configure an automatic synchronization of CC-SG with your
virtual infrastructure. The automatic synchronization occurs daily at the
time you specify.

To enable daily synchronization of the virtual infrastructure:

1. Choose Nodes > Virtualization.

2. Select the Enable Daily Automatic Synchronization checkbox.

3. Enter the time when you want the daily synchronization to occur in

the Start Time field.

4. Click


To disable daily synchronization of the virtual infrastructure:

1. Choose Nodes > Virtualization.

2. Deselect the Enable Daily Automatic Synchronization checkbox.

3. Click


Reboot or Force Reboot a Virtual Host Node

You can reboot or force reboot the virtual host server. A Reboot
operation performs a normal reboot of the virtual host server when it is in
maintenance mode. A Force Reboot operation forces the virtual host
server to reboot, even if the server is not in maintenance mode.

To access these commands, you must have the Node In-Band Access
and Node Power Control privilege. You must also be in a user group that
is assigned a policy to access the node you want to reboot or force

To reboot or force reboot a virtual host node:

1. Select the virtual host node you want to reboot or force reboot.

2. Click the Virtual Host Data tab.