Collate, Paper type, Black over print – Ricoh 220-240 V User Manual

Page 327: Collate paper type black over print

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Using PostScript 3




Use this function to enable collation. With this feature, the printer can efficiently
print collated sets of multiple-page documents.


❒ To use this function, a memory unit of at least 192 MB or hard disk drive must

be installed on the printer.

❒ If you are using Mac OS or Mac OS X, make sure that the following check box-

es have not been selected.
• Mac OS

The [Collate] check box in the print dialog box.

• Mac OS X

The [Collate] check box on [Copies & Pages] in the printer dialog box.

The following table shows the tabs or menus where you can select this function.

Paper Type

Use this to select the paper type.
The following table shows the tabs or menus where you can select this function.

For details about the media type supported by this printer, see Hardware

Black Over Print

Select whether or not to apply a black color over any other colors when printing.
The following table shows the tabs or menus where you can select this function.

Mac OS


on [Printer Specific Options] in the print dialog box.

Mac OS X


on the [Features: Set x] tab on [Printer Feature] in the printer dialog


Mac OS

[Paper Type]

on [Printer Specific Options] in the print dialog box.

Mac OS X

[Paper Type]

on the [Features: Set x] tab on [Printer Features] in the print dialog


Mac OS

[Black Over Print]

on [Printer Specific Options] in the print dialog box.

Mac OS X

[Black Over Print]

on the [Features: Set x] tab on [Printer Features] in the print

dialog box.