Configuration option tables format, Mcmp setup configuration options – Paradyne COMSPHERE 3611 User Manual
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COMSPHERE 3600 Series Data Service Units
September 1996
Factory default options for the MUX tables in this
appear or are filtered based on settings in effect and
additional installed hardware features.
For basic DSU operations, refer to Document
No. 3610-A2-GB46.
Options supporting DBMs are in Document No.
Configuration Option Tables Format
The tables are formatted to show the following
configuration option information:
Name of configuration option followed by a
colon (:) and the factory default setting.
All selectable options.
Description of the configuration option.
Description of each selectable setting.
Table 4-1
(1 of 4)
MCMP Setup Configuration Options
Next TDM MCMP CBrdg EBrdg None Prev
MUX Function. Mode of operation for the MCMP circuit card. Multichannel multipoint circuitry is activated on the MCMP
circuit card.
TDM – TDM mode for multiplexing or digital-sharing configuration (see
MCMP – MCMP mode for multichannel multipoint operation and digital-sharing configuration.
CBrdg – Bridge mode for a central-site bridge configuration (see
). An installed DBM must be disabled.
EBrdg – Bridge mode for a extended bridge configuration (see
). An installed DBM must be disabled.
None – Basic mode configuration; disables the MCMP circuit card. None of the following options appear.
Share DevA: Disab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Sharing Device A.
Enabling this configuration option allows you to create one of two digital-sharing groups for TDM
backup of MCMP or digital bridging. Used with configuration option MCMP Backup at the end of this table. This
configuration option may be used with an LPDA-2 configuration.
The following rules apply:
All ports in a group must have the same port speed.
All ports must be adjacent.
A contention group can have from 2 to 6 ports with a total of 2 ports when a 2-port MCMP/Flex is installed.
All ports must be assigned to the same channel for MCMP.
Enab – Enables digital-sharing.
Disab – Disables digital-sharing.
For MCMP, a digital-sharing group is set up by assigning multiple ports to the same channel. If DSD contention is
required, these sharing device configuration options must also be used. Only two digital-sharing groups can have DSD
contention; all other groups are defaulted to Host contention for the Port Control configuration option in this table.
* This table presents configuration options based on MUX Function set to MCMP.