Table 3-10, Mappi, Table 3-11 – Sun Microsystems SUN STOREDGETM 5310 NAS User Manual

Page 269: Volu

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Chapter 3

Storage Arrays


Table 3-11 describes the topological elements displayed in the Mappings View
Window in Figure 3-29 on page 3-68.

TABLE 3-10

Mappings View Tab




Shows defined topological elements (host groups, hosts, and host
ports), undefined mappings (volumes that have been created but do
not have a defined volume-to-LUN mapping), and the Default

Defined Mappings

Displays the volume-to-LUN mappings in a storage array in table
form. Information is displayed about the volumes: topological
entities that can access the volume, volume name, volume capacity,
and LUN number associated with the volume.

TABLE 3-11

Volume-to-LUN Terminology



SANshare Storage

A collection of nodes (default group, host groups, hosts, and host
ports) shown in the Topology View of the Mappings View tab.You
must define the various topological elements if you want to define
specific volume-to-LUN mappings and storage partitions for host
groups or hosts.

Default Group

A node in the Topology View that designates all host groups, hosts,
and host ports that:(1) have no specific volume-to-LUN mappings
and (2) share access to any volumes that were automatically
assigned default LUN mappings by the controller firmware during
volume creation.

Host Group

An optional topological element that you define if you want to
designate a collection of hosts that will share access to the same
volumes. The host group is a logical entity.


A computer that is attached to the storage array and accesses
various volumes on the storage array through its host ports (host
bus adapters). You can define specific volume-to-LUN mappings to
an individual host or assign the host to a host group that shares
access to one or more volumes.