Array management window tabs – Sun Microsystems SUN STOREDGETM 5310 NAS User Manual
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Sun StorEdge 5310 NAS Troubleshooting Guide • December 2004
The Array Management Window is specific to an individual storage array; therefore,
you can manage only a single storage array within an Array Management Window.
However, you can start other Array Management Windows from the Enterprise
Management Window to simultaneously manage multiple storage arrays.
The storage management software supports firmware version 5.40 and all firmware
versions 4.x and 5.x. For maximum system stability, the recommended minimum is
firmware version However, to access all the features of version 8.40, you
must upgrade to firmware version 5.40.
Note –
IMPORTANT Depending on your version of storage management software,
the views, menu options, and functionality may be different to the information
presented in this guide. Refer to the documentation supplied with your version of
storage management software for information on available functionality.
The features of a particular release of firmware will be accessible when an Array
Management Window is launched from the Enterprise Management Window to
manage a storage array. For example, you manage two storage arrays using this
software; one storage array has firmware version 5.40 and the other has firmware
version 4.x. When you open an Array Management Window for a particular storage
array, the correct Array Management Window version is used. The storage array
with firmware version 5.40 will use version 8.40 of the storage management
software, and the storage array with firmware version 4.x will use version 7.x. You
can verify the version you are currently using by selecting Help >> About in the
Array Management Window.
This bundling of previous versions of the Array Management Window provides the
flexibility of upgrading the firmware only on selected storage arrays instead of
having to perform an upgrade on all storage arrays at once.
Array Management Window Tabs
The Array Management Window has two tabs: Logical/Physical View and
Mappings View (Figure 3-27), which are described in Table 3-6. The tabs display
information about the logical components (volume and volume groups), physical
components (controllers and drives), topological elements (host groups, hosts, host
ports), and volume-to-LUN mappings in a storage array.
Also displayed in the Array Management Window are the toolbar, menu bar,
components buttons, premium feature status area, and the storage partition status