HP 250C User Manual

Page 2

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For HP Internal Use


E Copyright HewlettĆ

Packard Company 1996

This document contains

proprietary information

that is protected by

copyright. All rights are

reserved. No part of this

document may be

photocopied, reproduced,

or translated into another

language without the prior

written consent of HewlettĆ

Packard Company.

HP internal order number

Second edition, March

Printed in U.S.A.


The information contained

in this document is subject

to change without notice.

HewlettĆPackard makes

no warranty of any kind

with regard to this

material, including, but

not limited to, the

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HewlettĆPackard shall not

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The procedures described

in this manual are to be

performed by HPĆqualified

service personnel only.

Electrical Shock


Serious shock hazard

leading to death or injury

may result if you do not

take the following


D Ensure that the acpower

outlet (mains) has a

protective earth (ground)


D Disconnect the plotter

from the power source

prior to performing any


D Prevent water or other

liquids from running

onto electrical

components or circuits,

or through openings in

the enclosure.

Electrostatic Discharge

Refer to the beginning of

Chapter 6 of this manual,

for precautions you should

take to prevent damage to

the plotter circuits from

electrostatic discharge.

Safety Symbols

General definitions of

safety symbols are given

immediately after the table

of contents.

Learning Products, Barcelona Division
HewlettĆPackard Española, S.A.

Avda. Graells, 501

08190 Sant Cugat del Vallès
